Prinzip is for everyone. I can help you with a variety of health issues/complaints and/or weight problems. Examples are Fibromyalgia, Bowel problems (including Crohn's), Stomach problems, Rheumatism, Diabetes type 2, but also vague symptoms and/or fatigue where no solution could be found for yet. Everyone who wants to work on health issues/complaints, with the aim of solving them or at least improving them is welcome for advice. Of course, if you have no issues/complaints, but want to achieve a more vital life with more quality, you are also very welcome!
Orthomolecular medicine assumes that your health is connected to your eating habits. Let food be your medicine! The focus is on natural, unprocessed foods, and sometimes, in addition, supported by supplements. In practice, it turns out that even small adjustments to your diet and lifestyle can have a huge positive effect on your well-being.
I am Vanessa Prinz, I am from The Netherlands and since last year I live in Rojales, Spain. I am trained as an Orthomolecular Nutrition Consultant. I noticed a lot of Health benefits myself with focus on Orthomolecular Nutrition, my fibromyalgia got so much better! I decided to follow the course and to get to help other people as well, because of my own positive experiences. I graduated in May 2019 at the Ortho Health Foundation in The Netherlands. In addition, I am also certified in (Paleo) weight management and I have my basic medical knowledge degree.
Vanessa Prinz
Rojales, Spain